Tuesday, June 5, 2012

and... go...

Yesterday the 12WBT officially kicked off! And I feel GREAT! Cause it's only day 2...

But I certainly didn't have the greatest lead up to kick off. My plans almost were unravelled - and not in a good way!

First off, great weekend! Full of lots of things I love including friends, family, sleeping, catching up on IQ, relaxing, shopping, wine, visit to the Chinese medicine man (which also included sleeping and relaxing!).

Sounds great right? Sure was up until I went to the movies with some mates Sunday arvo and totally stacked it down the stairs at the end of the movie. Popcorn everywhere! Must have had the guilt's cause I didn't even eat a third of the popcorn hence popcorn everywhere! My shoe also went flying and I could not control my laughter. To the point of tears. But I picked myself up, with the help of my mates who all missed seeing my epic fall, found my missing shoe and hobbled away! No "structural" damage, but a massive egg on my re-constructed knee. Little did I notice until Monday evening when I also discovered this:

Don't worry though! I'm all OK! I can walk and run with only minimal (and really minimal) pain! I hardly notice it until I accidentally knock my knee or hit my ankle. I think my pride is more damaged...

But anyway, that wasn't the worst of it. I did not get prepared for the 12WBT meal plan. I didn't do my grocery shopping until the last minute (as in the day of...) and I spent the majority of the day preparing everything. I wasn't feeling great to begin with...

But I sure am now! I also got in a gym session too even with the dodgy knee and ankle!

So off we go on another 12 week journey... I hope this will be my last... I'm going all in and can't wait to come out the other side!!


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