Monday, May 21, 2012

this is me

What do you want to know? Everything? Just a little?

How about just enough so I don't have any stalkers rocking up to my house... joking! As if I would attract stalkers!

So this is me. And here is the usual spiel -

My name is Amiee 
I'm 28
I've been married for 2 and a half years
I have 2 furry kids
I have no actual kids
I'm prone to injuring myself
I love watching Glee and reality TV
I'm a lover and a fighter
I close my eyes while brushing my teeth
I work in an admin job
I go to bed very early, even on weekends
I'm a little bossy (depending who you ask)
Rub my back and bring me chocolate and I'll tell you anything you want to know!

There you have it, that's me in a broken down "I have to be honest" way!

I've done a second blog and I'm totally impressed with myself! Now the challenge will be keeping up with it!

Next step: Unravelling the 3 major things I'm working towards. I'm a little scared....


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