Friday, May 25, 2012

true collingwood supporter

I don't follow footy but if you ask me who I barrack for - it's Collingwood.

I have been to maybe 3-4 games in my whole life and I couldn't even tell you who plays for them!

The reason I say Collingwood is because when I was in Grade 6 my teacher was a runner for the team so throughout the year we would have sports days and some Collingwood players would come along.

And black and white is the easiest colours to come dressed in!

But why am I now a true supporter?

I had a tooth pulled!

Not a visible one, it was second from the back on the bottom and it needed to come out. Like, badly.

I have had nothing but issues with it since I was a kid. It never formed properly and I had to have a root canal when I was in year 7 it was so dodgy.

Well my dodgy tooth is gone now.

And it sucks!!! Only because I'm struggling to eat!

There's only so many soft foods out there that I can tackle. My dentist said it will take a few days for it to heal and stay away from anything that can get caught in the wound and to also be mindful when chewing!

Scrambled eggs it is! And I HATE EGGS!!

All I want is chocolate cause in my mind - I can suck on it!

Instead I sent the hubby down to the shops to stock up on more eggs and yogurt.

I'm not sure this is a Michelle Bridges approved diet...


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